Thursday, 21 February 2013

NASA to echo Sanskrit in SPACE!!!!!

                                                                    Yes you have heard it right! Scientist in NASA have decided to use Sanskrit as a computer language. When the scientist asked Indian scholars to teach Sanskrit scientist have asked the younger generation in learn Sanskrit. Rick Briggs a scientist at NASA had invited 1000 Indian scholars to NASA to teach Sanskrit but the scholars refused to allow the language to be put to foreign use. Rick Briggs admitted that Sanskrit is the only language that can be used to message through computer with least number of words. 

  After the refusal of the Indian scholars to help the NASA scientists  understand the scientific concept of the language, American kids were imparted with Sanskrit lessons since their childhood. The scientists at NASA  have named this mission as Mission Sanskrit and has describe it has the best language for computers.

Scientists have also discovered that Sanskrit also helps in speech therapy besides its help in mathematics and science.The alphabets used in the language are scientific and thereby help in improving the pronunciation and tone of speech. Sanskrit also help improve concentration. This news is an addition to India's pride as it is the country where Sanskrit was found.If India makes use of such a wonderful language, definitely it will become a developed country.


  1. Other Countries around world think that India lack in scientific facts and theories in the field of Space. I strongly oppose it. We have more such evidence with perfect proves of very highly complicated terms related to Space.
    These are mentioned in Vedam through Sanskrit language.

  2. Yeah! Thats what even I think but I also feel that the importance of these evidences are not well recognized.

  3. proud to be an Indian!
    sanskrit in nerves.. sanskrit in NASA!


  4. I agree with Roshini, not only do foreigners but also many Indians under-estimate the capacity of their country and it's glorious past.. Lets hope that at least now, people will look up and realize the true potential of India shining :)

  5. Most Indians are stupid, incapable, communists, perverts and idiots. Sanskrit is a Vedic & Brahman culture.

    1. So, what are we waiting for? Let's learn and spread the knowledge of Sanskrit
